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时间:2023-07-11 18:16:13    来源:互联网


At any time, one can free oneself from the last second, gain the complete freedom of this second, get a new life experience from it, and transform the new experience into a new perception.

-"The Collected Works of Half a Mountain"







#阅读的温度# #励志语录,正能量,心灵鸡汤# #阅读# #读书使人美丽#

The move against Yugoslavia marked the first time NATO forces had attacked a sovereign nation. The action was taken without a clear United Nations mandate. NATO had been created a half century earlier to protect Western nations from a Soviet-led invasion. Its new role, containing ethnic rivalries and other challenges to European stability, might prove equally demanding. It was widely acknowledged that the world’s only superpower would be the dominant force in future NATO actions.

